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Space Solar Power Japan’s 2025 Quest

Japan, in a public-private partnership, is boldly advancing in the field of space solar power. Set to make a significant leap in renewable energy, Japan is planning to beam solar energy from space by 2025. This initiative is groundbreaking. It blurs the lines between science fiction and reality. It pushes the limits of technology and sustainability. The project is ambitious. It’s about space solar power. Naoki Shinohara leads it. He’s a professor at Kyoto University. He’s been in this futuristic field since 2009.

Japan and its space administration, JAXA, have been pioneering efforts in this field for decades. A significant breakthrough was achieved in 2015 when JAXA scientists managed to wirelessly beam 1.8 kilowatts of power, enough to power an electric kettle, over a distance of more than 50 meters. Now, the country is ready to bring this technology closer to reality​.

Space Solar Power

Japan Space Solar Power

The plan is to deploy a series of small satellites in orbit. These satellites will attempt to collect solar energy and beam it to ground-based receiving stations hundreds of miles away. The concept of using orbital solar panels and microwaves to send energy to Earth was first proposed in 1968. Since then, countries like China and the US have spent time and money pursuing this idea​.

Orbital solar arrays have the potential to provide an unlimited supply of renewable energy. In space, solar panels can collect energy no matter the time of day, and the use of microwaves to beam power ensures that cloud cover isn’t a concern. However, this technology still has significant hurdles to overcome. Currently, an array capable of generating 1 gigawatt of power, equivalent to the output of a nuclear reactor, would cost about $7 billion with currently available technologies​.

Despite the challenges, Japan’s commitment to this project shows its determination to explore innovative solutions for meeting its growing energy needs sustainably. Success in this endeavor could revolutionize the global energy landscape and provide a potential solution to the world’s quest for clean and renewable power sources​​.

As the project progresses, the world will watch with great anticipation. The transformative impact of space-based solar energy could potentially redefine our planet’s future energy scenario​1​.

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